Legal Notice

IVSO (Interprofession des Vins du Sud-Ouest)
Centre INRA – Chemin de Borde Rouge – CS 52637
31321 Castanet Tolosan
Managing Editor
Paul Fabre
Directeur de l’IVSO (Interprofession des Vins du Sud-Ouest)
Digital content
Agence CosiWeb
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The request should specify the content and the publication or site on which it will be listed. Once this permission has been obtained, the reproduction of content must follow the following principles:
- Free broadcasting;
- Respect for the integrity of the reproduced documents (no changes or alterations of any kind);
- Compulsory citation : “© Source IVSO”.
Responsability for links to other websites
The site offers links to other websites, mainly official websites, associations or professional organizations. These pages, whose addresses are regularly verified, are not part of the website: they do not involve the responsibility of the website’s editorial staff, which cannot be held responsible for the content to which these links point. They are intended only to make it easier for the Internet user to access other documentary resources on the subject consulted.
Creating links to the website
IVSO authorizes, without prior authorization, the setting up of hyperlinks pointing to its pages, subject to:
- Do not use the deep link process, i.e. the pages of the site should not be nested within the pages of another website, but visible by the opening of an independent window.
- Mention the source that will link through a hyperlink directly to the content.
Websites that choose to link to take responsibility if they damage the image of the public website.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
This website is a work of which IVSO is the author within the meaning of articles L.111-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Unless written permission from IVSO, any use of works other than individual and private reproduction and consultation, in accordance with Article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, is prohibited. Under no circumstances can these reproductions prejudice the rights of third parties.
IVSO’s logotype
IVSO‘s logo is protected by trademark law governed by articles L.711-1 and following the intellectual property code since it has been filed with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). IVSO reserves the right to approve or disapprove of any use of its logo.
Photo Credits
All the photos presented on this website are protected by the Intellectual and Artistic Property Code. Some may be reproduced provided they have obtained written permission from IVSO direction and indicate the author and source.
Credits for copyright-free photos used on the website

Vignobles du Sud-Ouest
Centre INRA - Chemin de Borde Rouge
CS 52637 - 31321 Castanet Tolosan cedex
Tel : 05 61 73 87 06
Fax : 05 61 75 64 39
Lundi au Vendredi : 9H-17H
L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé. À consommer avec modération.